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Old Apr 04, 2007, 09:17 AM // 09:17   #2061
Frost Gate Guardian
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Bane Legacy:

I'm going to be quoting again and I know it is probably getting annoying but it's an efficient way to back information up, lol. So, from what I am reading GW2 won't be so "short" and it will allow you to play with others more often. As far as instancing, there will be both that and persistent areas, I will be sure to add a quote in with more info on that. The skills, I don't know, it sounds like there will be new ones to work with, or at least that is what they are making it sound like.

Guild Wars' use of instancing essentially replicating areas so that hundreds of people can explore the same places without running into one another - was ArenaNet's response to some of a persistent world's drawbacks, such as a kill-stealing and spawn camping [or, really, any example of people not playing well with others], and the logistical difficulties of grouping with others, such as making sure every player in a group is completing the same part of a quest at the same time. But GW's wholly instanced world also precludes the positive aspects of persistence, such as the relationships that form when you repeatedly encounter the same people in the same places. So, ArenaNet plans to include both instanced and persistent play in GW2, and to exploit each area's best gameplay opportunities. Both instanced and persistent areas will lead players to quests and story-based missions, but persistent areas will focus on a third type of content called events - area-wide activities that reward all participating players, just as a quest or mission would, with gear, money, XP, etc. Events are dynnamic, interact with one another, and result in consequences to the world. An example of an event [or event chain, as ArenaNet describes it] might be: You suddenly notice a dragon flying overhead. Any player in the area may choose to either help drive away the dragon or to ignore it altogether. If the dragon is successfully driven off, anyone who participated in its defeat receives a reward. If it's not defeated, it swoops down and destroys a bridge. This causes a group of woodworkers to gather and begin reparing the bridge. Nearby bandits begin attacking the workers, and nearby players who successfully defend them from the bandits receive a reward.

ArenaNet cites this example as a "very simple event chain - expect events with much farther-reaching scopes, consequences, and rewards." And since event chains won't be timed, but will occur in reaction to what players do, it should be great fun as a player to discover which of your and your fellow players' actions will cause events that permanently affect the world.

Events will also offer a way for players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistent world - which is crucial, since as of right now ArenaNet is planning a very high [100+], or possibly no level cap. There are also plans for a strong sidekicking system which allows a higher-level player to designate a player 10 or more levels below him as his sidekick, bestowing health, stamina, and other benefits that allow the lower-level player to sufficiently keep up with their higher-level buddy.

Ok, long quote, and sorry about it but it not only covered their ideas about instancing and persistance, but also about a possible higher level cap. I also did read that in G.W.E.N. you will be able to take your character higher than the level 20 cap. I guess you could say G.W.E.N. is more for existing characters that have been around for a little, and to help us possibly grow accustomed to the higher level cap, but I think that much is obvious.
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Old Apr 04, 2007, 09:52 AM // 09:52   #2062
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Originally Posted by Voltaire
This very fact gives me pause when wondering if players would adopt a proper auction house either.
My point, exactly. They don't use the trade chat, they don't use the party search (not even for the shortest - not an item name, but "greens" or something)

Originally Posted by Cheyenne Jouett
I also did read that in G.W.E.N. you will be able to take your character higher than the level 20 cap. I guess you could say G.W.E.N. is more for existing characters that have been around for a little, and to help us possibly grow accustomed to the higher level cap, but I think that much is obvious.
No. From the Interview:

Why did you decide against increasing the level cap for Eye of the North?

Mike: Guild Wars 1 is really designed around the level 20 cap, so as long and Guild Wars 1 persists we're going to maintain that level 20 cap. You know, Guild Wars is designed in such a way that it's certainly not over once you reach the level cap. The game is kind of just beginning when you reach level 20, and there are lots of other things to do with your character, like all the different titles you can acquire once you reach that level. The level 20 cap is kind of integral to all the combat systems and the way the missions work, so, for example, you get to level 20 and there are 50 missions available that are the right skill level for your character, and stuff like that.
GW2 will be a completely different development system, level-wise. So you can't just take GW1, pack a number of levels on it and have players "get accustomed".
GW:EN will have 20 level cap still, as you won't be able to play the new races directly, as to get accustomed to the races.

You're completely right, however, in that it is for existing characters. It is a traditional expansion, adding content for those through the original game, instead of a full-fledged campaign.
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Old Apr 04, 2007, 12:18 PM // 12:18   #2063
Frost Gate Guardian
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Damn you Anet! I'll not sleep for 1-2 years now! (assuming beta is early 08 and release is (miles) before early 09) World PvP and higher caps (though no grinding mind >.>) are what i've always wanted in GW. Hope theres alot of Beta spots...
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Old Apr 05, 2007, 05:08 AM // 05:08   #2064
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Thumbs up And the nay-sayers say nay.

You know, I started to read through this thread fully intending to read the entire thing before adding my two bits. However, after reading the first dozen pages I realized that three quarters of the posters were being unreasonable, making assumptions (remember what assume does?), or just ranting and raving while making no clear contribution to the issue. We should all know by now that ANet DOES listen to their players' concerns, just look at how Gaile actually responds to so many players on the various forums in the community.

Having said that, please try to keep in mind that virtually every employee over at ANet also enjoys and plays GW. This means they have to make a game that they can live with; I think they've proven to have good taste so far. What was it they said way back when? They are gamers too, and they want to make a game that they can enjoy as well? Wow, imagine that. Now, suppose these gamers were to make - say - 3 games. Also, let's suppose those 3 games were to attract, oh, about 3 million happy gamers. If that were to happen, ( ) I would suppose that those gamers have good taste. I'd also suppose that if we have similar tastes so far, that I'll probably like what they like in the future. Ok, we've made our suppositions for today. Much like your friend (who has similar tastes to yours) saying to you "I think you'd really like the [insert movie name] movie, it was awesome!", ANet is basically saying "Hey, we really think you'll like this game, we do!"

As you will read in my quote from my guild's forums below, I think a higher level limit has the potential to add wonderful depth to the game. We still don't know what kind of form a higher level cap will take, so wait for a better explanation before jumping to conclusions and crying world's end. The same principle applies to continued support for GW1, especially since the Devs say that they WILL NOT abandon the faithful GW1 players. Why would they? people will still be buying GW1 after GW2 is out - both players new to MMOs in general, and new GW2 players who want to expand their GW2 experience by going back and unlocking stuff in GW1's HoM.

To be fair, I also was initially worried about GW becoming too WoW-like when they mentioned a move away from instancing. After reading the PC Gamer article of our discussion and Gaile Gray's own comments, however, my mind is at ease that they are not going to mimic WoW in that regard. One feature that I am worried about is that "the click-to-move system will be left behind". I don't care about clicking on a spot to walk to it, but I do want to retain the ability to select an NPC or enemy and hit the spacebar (or whatever) to perform a "default action" such as walking up to and talking to an NPC, or turning toward and running at to attack, an enemy. I sincerely hope, at a minimum, they retain the basic "face toward, run toward, start auto-attacking" mechanic even if this mechanic makes you run around, as opposed to hurdling over, obstacles in your path.

To explain how sad I would be to see that go away:
I purchased two (2) preorders of Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar with every intention of paying $500 to get two copies of the game with lifetime subscriptions. Well, it took me a matter of minutes to find the biggest annoyance in a combat system. It took me a few hours to decide that I wasn't getting LOTRO at all. Ever. Thank goodness for open beta. Oddly enough, this mechanic is also present in WoW (guess I never missed out on WoW). Let me describe it:
Originally Posted by Morgol
Morgol: Attack!
LOTRO: You must face your target!
Morgol: Ok, NOW attack!
LOTRO: You are too far away!
Morgol: Gah! Let me get up there myself! Ok, NOW attack!
LOTRO: Ok! It's dead now.
Morgol: Why didn't I get anything?
LOTRO: Somebody attacked it first.
Morgol: Gah! Ok fine, let's kill THAT wolf!
LOTRO: You must face your target!
Morgol: <screams and smashes head through monitor>
Now for a snippet from my guild's forums:
Originally Posted by Eternal Haven Forums
Ok, here's what would put Guild Wars 2 completely over the top for me:
A detailed economic model including crafting of different kinds that are skills you can actually increase, kindof like titles are now.
1) Armor crafting (separate Metal and Leather crafting)and an associated Metalworking/Tanning skill
2) Weapon crafting also associated with metalworking
3) A Bowyer skill and a carpentry skill to go with it
4) A weapon enchantment skill to make staves and wands, and to enchant other weapons.
5) A jeweler skill - more on that below
6) Other non-combat economic and crafting skills

So I'd like to also see accessories that can be worn to add some more depth to our equipment, beyond the plain "This Armor, That Sword, This Shield" mechanic that we have right now.

I know non-combat classes are not going to be possible with the current "Missions and Dungeons" combat-based story progression, but what about in the future?

In short, I want us to be able to gather raw material, refine that raw material, craft it into something, imbue it with powers, then use it or trade it. I love the feeling of accomplishment you get when something comes into existence from the sweat of your clicking finger.

Oh, I'd also like it if they made the rare skins drop more often, but a LOT less often be gold. As compensation for this, when you identify a GOLD grop, you unlock that weapon skin for use in your own crafting. This would make finding that ever-elusive weapon a more permanent reward. This would also make the sale of unidentified gold items a much bigger facet of trade.

The article indicated that there may no longer be level limits. Yep, you could have level 100+ characters. Now to me that seems a bit much. That is one thing I liked about GW is that given some time you could at least get up to max level and with a build or two participate in outings with other guild members who play a lot more plus you could switch over to another character that was also maxed out. With this new proposed system you would have to spend most of your time with one character if you wanted to have a sufficiently leveled character wouldn't you? I like trying a character class out and then when maxed out going for a different one. It also seems like the GW1 economy could be severely affected since you can't bring much over (just a few weapons and some skills? from GW1 to GW2). I guess it is like in real life where you can't take it with you. In this case though you know when the end is. All that hoarding of stuff now seems to be a waste.

Well some are speculating that the level cap (if there is one) will be merely cosmetic. This might mean that levels past 20 or something will not have a performance effect, or maybe not affect combat as far as hitpoints, etc. In my economic idea (see above), maybe you could have your combat exp get you to level 20 (or whatever a good mean value is), but economic exp would be what you need for level 100. This way, you could still enjoy all the missions and combat at full force at level 20 and be able to take your time with the economic stuff. Also, the Hall of Monuments feature really makes me want to do even more in GW1 so I can have all that cool stuff in GW2 that can't be had otherwise.
So to summarize:
Be patient. Try to be reasonable. Try to LISTEN. Try to be open-minded. Try to be positive too. Oh, and if you have a problem with a proposed change, why not give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism a go? ANet has proven that this method works best with them. Don't forget that these are people and gamers who are creating our game, so don't just haul off and assume you're talking to a wall. They do care what we think, and they do appreciate praise for a job well done.

On that note, ANet: Good job! I am thoroughly happy to have found GW.

Last edited by Morgol; Apr 05, 2007 at 05:20 AM // 05:20.. Reason: Thread Subscription
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Old Apr 05, 2007, 07:21 PM // 19:21   #2065
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does anyone know WHERE I can buy this issue of PC GAMER? I can't find it ANYWHERE. I live in Philly, PA and I've been all over the place looking for it.

Last edited by born4md; Apr 05, 2007 at 08:08 PM // 20:08..
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Old Apr 05, 2007, 07:32 PM // 19:32   #2066
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We don't even know where you live, how can we give you advice?

In general though, it's everywhere, newsagents, bookstores, etc.
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Old Apr 06, 2007, 04:08 AM // 04:08   #2067
Pre-Searing Cadet
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This one is for all the haters of the coming of GW2... Get real people this has to be the single best solution and decision tha ANET has made. Think about it they took a great game and did their best to satisfy all of us with new add ins and such (i.e. heroes and the new storage increase) but they cant fulfill everything that they want to in this edition so they decided to just call it "a done deal" and move on to something that IMO will be way better than GW1. Dont get me wrong I love GW1 and while it will suck to just let it slip away after all the hard work...I welcome the challenge and ideas of the GW2.

So basically if this info from ANET is destroying your life and your feeling a bit EMO..then just do us a favor and walk away or kill yourselves before it comes out so there will be room for people who embrace a change and are willing to give it a go.
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Old Apr 06, 2007, 08:28 PM // 20:28   #2068
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I live in Philly, PA and I've been all over the place looking for it.
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Old Apr 06, 2007, 08:32 PM // 20:32   #2069
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Originally Posted by Sik_Redd
So basically if this info from ANET is destroying your life and your feeling a bit EMO..then just do us a favor and walk away or kill yourselves before it comes out so there will be room for people who embrace a change and are willing to give it a go.
That was uncalled for...

There is room for suggestions to Anet for GW2. I agree, general hating does no good, but neither do comments like yours.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 12:26 AM // 00:26   #2070
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Pssh! Take my comments how you want to but the bottom line is that people are blowing the ideas ANET has for GW2 way out of proportion. Get over it and accept it or go away.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 07:14 AM // 07:14   #2071
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Originally Posted by Morgol
You know, I started to read through this thread fully intending to read the entire thing before adding my two bits. However, after reading the first dozen pages I realized that three quarters of the posters were being unreasonable, making assumptions (remember what assume does?), or just ranting and raving while making no clear contribution to the issue. We should all know by now that ANet DOES listen to their players' concerns, just look at how Gaile actually responds to so many players on the various forums in the community.

Having said that, please try to keep in mind that virtually every employee over at ANet also enjoys and plays GW. This means they have to make a game that they can live with; I think they've proven to have good taste so far. What was it they said way back when? They are gamers too, and they want to make a game that they can enjoy as well? Wow, imagine that. Now, suppose these gamers were to make - say - 3 games. Also, let's suppose those 3 games were to attract, oh, about 3 million happy gamers. If that were to happen, ( ) I would suppose that those gamers have good taste. I'd also suppose that if we have similar tastes so far, that I'll probably like what they like in the future. Ok, we've made our suppositions for today. Much like your friend (who has similar tastes to yours) saying to you "I think you'd really like the [insert movie name] movie, it was awesome!", ANet is basically saying "Hey, we really think you'll like this game, we do!"

As you will read in my quote from my guild's forums below, I think a higher level limit has the potential to add wonderful depth to the game. We still don't know what kind of form a higher level cap will take, so wait for a better explanation before jumping to conclusions and crying world's end. The same principle applies to continued support for GW1, especially since the Devs say that they WILL NOT abandon the faithful GW1 players. Why would they? people will still be buying GW1 after GW2 is out - both players new to MMOs in general, and new GW2 players who want to expand their GW2 experience by going back and unlocking stuff in GW1's HoM.

To be fair, I also was initially worried about GW becoming too WoW-like when they mentioned a move away from instancing. After reading the PC Gamer article of our discussion and Gaile Gray's own comments, however, my mind is at ease that they are not going to mimic WoW in that regard. One feature that I am worried about is that "the click-to-move system will be left behind". I don't care about clicking on a spot to walk to it, but I do want to retain the ability to select an NPC or enemy and hit the spacebar (or whatever) to perform a "default action" such as walking up to and talking to an NPC, or turning toward and running at to attack, an enemy. I sincerely hope, at a minimum, they retain the basic "face toward, run toward, start auto-attacking" mechanic even if this mechanic makes you run around, as opposed to hurdling over, obstacles in your path.

To explain how sad I would be to see that go away:
I purchased two (2) preorders of Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar with every intention of paying $500 to get two copies of the game with lifetime subscriptions. Well, it took me a matter of minutes to find the biggest annoyance in a combat system. It took me a few hours to decide that I wasn't getting LOTRO at all. Ever. Thank goodness for open beta. Oddly enough, this mechanic is also present in WoW (guess I never missed out on WoW). Let me describe it:

Now for a snippet from my guild's forums:

So to summarize:
Be patient. Try to be reasonable. Try to LISTEN. Try to be open-minded. Try to be positive too. Oh, and if you have a problem with a proposed change, why not give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism a go? ANet has proven that this method works best with them. Don't forget that these are people and gamers who are creating our game, so don't just haul off and assume you're talking to a wall. They do care what we think, and they do appreciate praise for a job well done.

On that note, ANet: Good job! I am thoroughly happy to have found GW.
QFT. Like how people were assuming how all asuras would look cute and cuddly and act like jar jar binks when the mini pet came out.Sheesh.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 08:46 AM // 08:46   #2072
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Originally Posted by FeuerFrei
QFT. Like how people were assuming how all asuras would look cute and cuddly and act like jar jar binks when the mini pet came out.Sheesh.
WAIT YOU MEAN THEY DONT. damn it mines defetive then. it does just that.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 01:20 PM // 13:20   #2073
Frost Gate Guardian
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i understand if some ppl are worried abaut GW2. and so on.

but i dont know if im the only 1 ?.. there is extremly excited abaut the new lvl cap.. i dont care abaut grinding.. i mean.. we will go grind anyways? for new rare items?.. i really think GWEN and GW2 are going to be GR8! ..

hope some1 is going to agree with me -.-
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 02:08 PM // 14:08   #2074
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Originally Posted by manitoba1073
WAIT YOU MEAN THEY DONT. damn it mines defetive then. it does just that.
I think the person you quoted meant: "By the fact, that the Asura Miniature looks cute and cuddly, all people think that the whole Asura Race will be cute and cuddly, once it becomes an actual player race in GW2. (Or hero in GWEN, for that matter.)" I guess those little creatures will have sharp, sharp teeth. And some ego, if I read the short descriptions correctly.

Originally Posted by guru-freak
but i dont know if im the only 1 ?.. there is extremly excited abaut the new lvl cap.. i dont care abaut grinding.. i mean.. we will go grind anyways? for new rare items?.. i really think GWEN and GW2 are going to be GR8! ..
I won't go grind. Never have. Rare items? What for? I dislike the repetative. I'd rather get some stuff that is common, easy to get and useful (such as Collectors Blues in GW1) or hope for a nice random find that I can keep or that I can use to upgrade one of the former items. Has worked out so far for me. We will see how this will change with Persistence (won't be as easy to just say "Okay, let's clear out the complete area we're currently in, kill every foe etc...") but I don't think it will be a problem.
The worst thing that can happen to me @Level-Cap/Grind is that I am stuck in one area for (very) long, because areas before that aren't worthwhile anymore, and areas after that are impossible to solve at the level I am. And that I have to repeat that area over and over again to gain the level to be able to access the next area. I like to face different foes every once in a while. See new sights and stuff. But ANet is good at those things. I don't fear to get into that situation.
So, yeah. I guess GWEN and GW2 will be great, most likely.
And... I certainly DO like that event mechanism that they're planning.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 03:35 PM // 15:35   #2075
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Originally Posted by Caith-Avar
I think the person you quoted meant: "By the fact, that the Asura Miniature looks cute and cuddly, all people think that the whole Asura Race will be cute and cuddly, once it becomes an actual player race in GW2. (Or hero in GWEN, for that matter.)" I guess those little creatures will have sharp, sharp teeth. And some ego, if I read the short descriptions correctly.
and reading comprehension and simple thinkin would have known i was joking when i said mine did exactly what he said people were worring about, when it dont do it at all. a little game knowlede goes along ways sometime.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 07:08 PM // 19:08   #2076
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Originally Posted by manitoba1073
and reading comprehension and simple thinkin would have known i was joking when i said mine did exactly what he said people were worring about, when it dont do it at all. a little game knowlede goes along ways sometime.
Then I apologize for my misconception. I still have to attune myself to these forums, as I was already called retarded (and some other things) for a similar joke. Honestly, I still don't get you fully, but I guess, that problem is really within my english reading comprehension. Sorry. And thank you. That answer was rather nice. Makes it easy to apologize.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 07:42 PM // 19:42   #2077
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Well, there is no copy of this or the English magazine PCZone where I live. I actually asked someone going back to England to pick me up a copy while he was there.

After yesterday, I don't care any more.
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Old Apr 07, 2007, 08:27 PM // 20:27   #2078
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Originally Posted by Caith-Avar
Then I apologize for my misconception. I still have to attune myself to these forums, as I was already called retarded (and some other things) for a similar joke. Honestly, I still don't get you fully, but I guess, that problem is really within my english reading comprehension. Sorry. And thank you. That answer was rather nice. Makes it easy to apologize.
lol Its no problem and I wasnt hinting at you being what you were called by someone else. Yes its hard to tell sometimes on these forums. I just figured everyone already knew the Asura didnt really do that.
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Old Apr 08, 2007, 03:39 AM // 03:39   #2079
Ascalonian Squire
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i dont want a new game
pls realase more exp. packs
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Old Apr 08, 2007, 05:59 AM // 05:59   #2080
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First of all just want to say what a wonderful a game I believe GW's to be. When I first started playing it in Dec. 2005 I was totally overwhelmed by the graphics, the music ...pretty much everything! Best ever new game feeling I ever had playing it, so much that I miss it lol.

Before I really got hooked on GW's, I played a game that I was addicted for over 2 years. I don't want to name this game as I wouldn't wish for anyone to waste their time on it =p and not to mention I hate the company that made it and their twit customer support team that doesn't even exist in my opinion. Anyways, I was addicted to it because there was this element to being a high level in the game (like with most MMO's) and getting your skills up high enough so you could craft/aquire hot items, rare items and obtain a god-like status amongst hundreds of other players all playing in a persistent game world.

I also tried several other MMO betas that I just couldn't remain committed too, all for different reasons which left me wishing that a game developer would eventually come out and create a game that had all the best elements of these different games combined into one.

For instance in lotro- all I have to say is omfg and woah! absolutely beautiful game... but the combat system is so annoying, why is there no pvp? It's such a shame as I found this to be a sure win of a game. I loved that there was different weather, you could smoke, play a guitar, sit around a fire, run into other people anywhere-well in general its very detailed but lacks that special element to keep me coming back for more.

Then there are other games that either have the amazing graphics, good music and great pvp but lack content or cost too much to commit playing to and putting the time in- the ones that leave you wondering why you even bothered to play them in the first place. I never felt this way about gw's but there are several things I found myself wanting it to be when I first played it even so through til today.

I wish for gw's 2 to have all the best components a MMO could have all wrapped into one. Thats what I am hoping for. When I start playing GW2, I will remember my first GW experience and be no doubt thrilled to do it all over again. I love that new game feeling but I also love that I will be able go back to GW when I feel like it =)
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